First Presbyterian Church
of Hudson Falls

"Making friends of ALL people through Christ."
- 2 Cor. 5:19

Sunday Service 10am

Give Now (Vanco)       

Venmo: @fpchf

There will be a brief Congregational meeting on Sunday, Sept. 22 immediately following worship.  The purpose of the meeting is to approve the nominating committee report for the upcoming year.

Located on the Park at 5 River Street, Hudson Falls

View our recent services:

Sept. 15th

Sept. 8th

Sept. 1st

Come enjoy our
Fall Rummage Sale! 

Sept. 20th - 21st, 2024

Friday 9:30am - 3:30pm
Saturday 9:30am - 12:30pm

Life is hard, but we are not alone. Come see what we are all about, any Sunday at 10am. You might just find the church family you've been looking for. 

We regularly have emergency food and sometimes toiletries to share. In a pinch? Stop by the office at 9 River Street any Thursday, 11am - 2pm.  Or call 518-747-3013 with any questions. 


Our vision is to be known in Hudson Falls and the surrounding area as a place where all people are celebrated and valued, by doing everything in our power to be open and welcoming, sharing the resources God has given us.

Our church family strives to live in obedience to God's word and to share experiences of God's grace through worship and ministry to others. We welcome all to our Communion table as we nurture an atmosphere in which every person feels invited to use his or her gifts and abilities to make a positive difference. 

Join us this Fall 🍂

Worship Services are held Sunday mornings at 10:00 am in the Sanctuary, located at 5 River St. 

Worship is also available for you on Facebook and YouTube.